I'm glad you emphasised the cult aspect to Oster's article. I thought it on point, and your comment today brought a couple of ideas together in a different way for me. I'll digest on that.

The first thought is that she doesn't believe she is in the cult and it is difficult for non-culties to convince others the cult to know they have been cultifiied. Back to the old problem. I wonder if we can learn something from the very interesting Harvey Keitel and Kate Winslet film Holy Smoke? Don't know if the de-programming technics used are applicable, here. It is a fun and interesting movie, though, really asking near the end who is programmed and who isn't.

And it suggests that there is a long long way to go before we get back to 'normal'. Nope. For the next score or many more years, there isn't 'normal.' 'Normal' is what got is here. What we are being asked to do is enter into a continuous process of waking up to the degree to which we were likewise members of a cult. It is up to us to deprogram ourselves. That is the new 'normal'.

What was our cult? Obedience to being indifferent to the evil of the creep of Rockefeller medicine, allowing/embracing the industrialisation of food creation and animal husbandry, the acquiescence to MBA-itis creep into our economic structures, allowing wokedness to creep first into our education systems and out from like a metastasised cancer to the entire body politic, the delusion of banks as the heart of economic society.

This is a call for the spiritual awaking, for taking personal responsibility for the society we live in and to stop emptily blaming and complaining as if we don't have the power to create change. The new normal is to seize our own authority to create a healthy world without blindly deferring to an other's self-serving expertise that lacks even an iota of wisdom and/or social good.

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If you want some humor, I did a spoof of Julian Lennon's "Much too late for Goodbyes" in the spirit of Dr. Demento spoofs.


♪ So you say you want amnesty

but I see no reason why

can't you see how it feels for me

i'm likin seein you cry

but it's much too late ... so goodbye

yes it's much too late ... so go die

i'm so through with this poo from you

cause all you say is a lie

now you say you were just confused

but that's a buffalo pie

and it's much too late ... so goodbye

now it's much too late ... so go die

job said I had to stay away

you made economy die

then you pushed the mRNA

stuck the jab in my eye

now it's much too late ... so goodbye

yes it's much too late ... so go die

then you told me to jab me kids

and they just started to die

now your starting to get the shits

and you still won't admit why

now it's much too late ... so goodbye

yes it's much too late ... so go die ♪

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This is awesome!! I actually like the instrumental parts.

I've been collecting responses to the Atlantic Amnesty farce, and I reposted your clip with the lyrics on my Gab account - crediting "Bongo Ben".

If you have a preferred identity and/or site, let me know.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I love it!

And if you want a suggestion as to how to make it more likely to go viral: consider trimming down the instrumental segments, so listeners get to the lyrics quickly before they lose interest, and stay in the lyrics to the end.

I'd be tempted to use it to build a lyric video, so the lyrics are displayed with the music.

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That's a good suggestion. I stuck 1:1 to the structure of the original song.

I think me struggling to sing on-key makes it a bit funnier. There's one goof i should also correct.

Maybe vocals are a bit loud. I couldn't find my good microphone.

Any other things you could suggest?

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Of course, microphone quality can make a huge difference. My hearing is not high fidelity any more, and had an equalizer in my amplification circuit, so I was listening to a distorted version of what you made - can't judge the sound fairly. I think the most important thing is to keep the listener engaged with your lyrics, avoiding "dead air" it feels like we're listening to a loop, waiting for the next verse to begin. The lyrics and song choice are great. With my hearing, I like a way to read the lyrics as I listen. I was able to do that with your substack comment.

Taking it to another level, I suppose one could assemble a music video with lyrics and maybe some imagery. An example music lyric video I made, singing along to a recording:


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Thanks for the thoughtful thoughts :) Oh man i love that sunset footage.

Vox and me go back to 1981. Heh his new producer buddy is way better than I was.

Vox with autotune is good. Vox without, not so great. But still ok.

You know his libertarian music from around 1994? Pretty good.

Ah man i love that sunset. And again serious props to john bradley.

I gotta up my game. Will do a remake with your suggestions.

It's hard for me to cut out the intro synths cause getting them close to the original was my favorite part of it.


Had to do my own pulse wave synth, tweak the envelope, the run it through a compressor with a slow attack, then generate some harmonics, then do a reverb with a eq'd, synch'd pre-delay to get that 'overlapping' sound.


And it'd be nice if i could sound like Juilian Lennon.

I'll work on it more. And cut out the intro bit.

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Please create is as your inner artist want to create it. I'm no musical artist. My opinions are likely not representative of other people. I feel bad now, thinking I may have thrown a wrench in your creative process!

I love that you know Vox since 1981! I didn't learn of him until maybe 2000, so I don't know his libertarian music from 1994 (though I was a libertarian in 1994, and may have come across him in his WND days).

Glad you like that sunset, just happened last December 31 without any effort on my part. Was a low tide - normally that spot is not exactly accessible.

Glad you like John Bradley's work - he's good. He's doing something called "Boomer Patrol" with Vox now.

I look forward to your next mix!

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