Was the Atlantic article a Cult Intervention?
Thoughts on what the "COVID Amnesty Plea" means for Family & Friend Relationships
As I pondered how to approach estranged friends and family now that The Covidian Narrative is turning, I found these insights:
The commenter suggests that the best response is to ridicule them!
I hope it helps frame things so that people understand that the best response is something akin to ridicule. Engaging cult members with sweet reason and logic is probably not going to get anywhere; however, people in a cult are highly attuned to social pressures.
The more people can laugh at their absurd ratiocinations in defense of the indefensible, the faster we can improve things. The proper response to a drug company CEO claiming they made a totally effective vaccine with a novel technology for a new virus in 2 days should have been mockery and contempt. If it had been, think of how much better off we would be now!
Inject the social code into the skilled TV watcher cult.
A Midwestern Doctor commented: (emphasis mine)
did you ever see the vaccine zombie article?
At the very start of COVID-19, I realize that it would be virtually impossible to prevent myself from getting the virus, so my focus instead shifted to understanding how to treat it as quickly as possible so I could stop doing any and all measures to prevent myself from getting it (as each had a significant impact on my life). For this same reason, I made a point to be the front line person at the very start who treated people with COVID-19 (including at their homes) while everyone else was unwilling to be close to them...I wanted to feel comfortable with managing the disease so it would not be able to control my life.
Most of the other people I know entered a state of learned helplessness, didn't want to take any initiative or risks to figure out how to treat it, and just compliantly waited for the government to provide a solution.
Though I can fantasize how cult members might go free if they could relax and laugh at the Vaccine Zombie video (maybe after a few drinks at a holiday get-together?), the reality is that I find it hard to imagine how I might entice them to drop their guard and actually look…
What do you suggest?
I'm glad you emphasised the cult aspect to Oster's article. I thought it on point, and your comment today brought a couple of ideas together in a different way for me. I'll digest on that.
The first thought is that she doesn't believe she is in the cult and it is difficult for non-culties to convince others the cult to know they have been cultifiied. Back to the old problem. I wonder if we can learn something from the very interesting Harvey Keitel and Kate Winslet film Holy Smoke? Don't know if the de-programming technics used are applicable, here. It is a fun and interesting movie, though, really asking near the end who is programmed and who isn't.
And it suggests that there is a long long way to go before we get back to 'normal'. Nope. For the next score or many more years, there isn't 'normal.' 'Normal' is what got is here. What we are being asked to do is enter into a continuous process of waking up to the degree to which we were likewise members of a cult. It is up to us to deprogram ourselves. That is the new 'normal'.
What was our cult? Obedience to being indifferent to the evil of the creep of Rockefeller medicine, allowing/embracing the industrialisation of food creation and animal husbandry, the acquiescence to MBA-itis creep into our economic structures, allowing wokedness to creep first into our education systems and out from like a metastasised cancer to the entire body politic, the delusion of banks as the heart of economic society.
This is a call for the spiritual awaking, for taking personal responsibility for the society we live in and to stop emptily blaming and complaining as if we don't have the power to create change. The new normal is to seize our own authority to create a healthy world without blindly deferring to an other's self-serving expertise that lacks even an iota of wisdom and/or social good.
If you want some humor, I did a spoof of Julian Lennon's "Much too late for Goodbyes" in the spirit of Dr. Demento spoofs.
♪ So you say you want amnesty
but I see no reason why
can't you see how it feels for me
i'm likin seein you cry
but it's much too late ... so goodbye
yes it's much too late ... so go die
i'm so through with this poo from you
cause all you say is a lie
now you say you were just confused
but that's a buffalo pie
and it's much too late ... so goodbye
now it's much too late ... so go die
job said I had to stay away
you made economy die
then you pushed the mRNA
stuck the jab in my eye
now it's much too late ... so goodbye
yes it's much too late ... so go die
then you told me to jab me kids
and they just started to die
now your starting to get the shits
and you still won't admit why
now it's much too late ... so goodbye
yes it's much too late ... so go die ♪