The COVID crime perps floated a “Give us COVID-19 Amnesty” trial balloon this last week. The evidence that their “pandemic response measures” caused massive harm is so obvious now that they are getting scared. Even the “conformies” are having trouble not noticing. I enjoyed many brilliant articles and comments from the community of independent thinkers. Here are some of my favorite articles on the topic:
[bold/highlights added by me]
A Midwestern Doctor:
Midwestern Doctor’s is great. If you only have time to read (or scan) on article, I suggest you choose this one. I put it first because I judge many people make their decisions based on what their peers or the media tells them to do is key to understanding the difference between us and them, between the independent thinkers and the people I call “conformies”.
The Atlantic article by Emily Oster, and her history of promoting harmful “pandemic response measures are a good window into how the midwit-level Covidian perps thought and behaved.
Her tweets tell the tale:
It’s no wonder she wants amnesty. She pushed mandating poison injections, and injecting pregnant women with poison. She calls for “forgiving one another”, but does not mention forgiving COVID-19 skeptics for refusing to comply with the actions the “pandemic” and “vaccine” pushers imposed on us.

Eugyppius led with the brilliant:
Then, Eugyppius followed up, noticing that Emily Oster and her many of her fellow Covidians fit the mid-wit “Head Girl” pattern:
The Head Girl does whatever social pressure tells her to do:
The comments section on the above article is priceless!
Chris Bray gave us:
Matthew Crawford gave us:
I cannot in honesty say that I take any apology to heart without first judging the circumstances. And a dishonest apology is a slap in the face. Take it, and you might as well submit yourself to serfdom now. For a dishonorable offense, let the offender wash the feet of those alienated or injured first, or otherwise commit to solving the problems they've created—like the casting of hundreds of millions or more of the world's denizens into food insecurity.
I'm reaching back almost eight months for this one, but I do so in order to compare and contrast.
During a recorded discussion, Dr. Fraiman took the unblinking moment to say that he had been wrong, he learned, he has transformed himself, and he wants to help. When I wrote about that moment that might otherwise have passed by undocumented, he stopped by to comment.
Those who step forward first take the greatest risk. As Bret Weinstein likes to say, "The first through the door gets the shotgun blast." So, straight-forward apologies, rendered early, are not simply taken in good faith by the vast majority of the crowd, but are cheered. Our ranks are growing. Certainly, we may judge the words, tone, and delivery as with all communication, but that's to say that we judge by the human connection, as in, "Welcome back to the tribe."
As time goes on, however, those who might have knowingly sabotaged the Titanic may be looking for lifeboats. So, we might judge apologies from Dr. Anthony Fauci or Peter Daszak quite differently from the way we judge apologies from an ER physician, a nurse, a member of an education board
…Emily Oster
I'm going to want to hear Emily Oster's apology delivered as she stands with Ernest Ramirez, holding his hand.
And Chris Bray pointed out that they told us to NOT Do Our Own Research:
The premise throughout the pandemic has been that ordinary people can’t possibly evaluate risk, because they don’t have credentials.
Everyone ran a version of this story. Stop trying to think, you stupid proles!
How should we deal with these people?
I suggest that first, we don’t forget who did what. They revealed their character by how they behaved over these last three years. We ought never forget.
Most showed they seek conformity rather than truth. Many revealed they will enforce conformity on others, despite truth. We can’t trust such people with power.
Some revealed they are outright evil. I want them removed from polite society.
Addendum (half hour after initial posting):
Can’t forget Igor Chudov’s brilliant:
Including an uplifting comment section:
“Forgiveness and prison time can go together”
Can we Osterize Emily and The Atlantic, already?
Well who owns The Atlantic? Laurene Powell Jobs, seen here relaxing with her pal Ghislaine
Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg, a dual citizern of.....