You guy's don't understand. He won't be let in. Trump will not either. We are past voting; it no longer matters. Bidden will remain in power. We will enter into Ukraine and then push into Russia. We have been locked into a nightmare. Unless you are willing to physically and by violence take over the government and be prepared to die, the next ten years will be some of the most trying in American history. I seriously doubt we will have an election. You guys must understand that there is a coup taking place. The neocons, the climate and the alphabet people are taking over. The neocons are the worst of our problems.

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Thank you for your perspective!

I understand that we won't be able to vote our way out this, Phil. I suggest that the coup took place a long time ago, say 9-11-2001? 11-22-1963? 9-18-1947? 12-13-1913?

We've been an under a skinsuit government ever since, with "ethnic neocons" playing disproportionate roles in ruling over the now-rotting carcass of America.

A big problem is that the oligarch-controlled media has mostly successfully tricked the heritage Americans into thinking this is still "our" government, and that all these bad things "just happen".

We need to help them see what you see.

I imagine that what RFK Jr. says in his campaign may open some eyes.

What opened your eyes?

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My eyes have been gradually opened since a young man. If I had to pick a person that helped, that would be Martin Armstrong for various reasons. As a matter of fact, he just shared an enlightening video; it is over an hour long but should be watched.


Additionally, since the dates you mentioned, we have crossed so many lines that we are in territory that will end the US. My God, they are trying to put a major political candidate in prison so he won't run. We have major election crimes that are covered up. This will be the end of the US financially and in hegemony.

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"since the dates you mentioned, we have crossed so many lines that we are in territory that will end the US." EXACTLY. From the time that they took over "our" government with their coup, they have crossed more and more lines, to the point that they hardly even pretend anymore that this is the country our ancestors founded in 1776. I personally suspect their Federal Reserve coup was the most important.

And most Americans aren't even aware that the Federal Reserve was a coup, leading to slavery.

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Yes very true. There is so much to say and write on this subject. The bottom line is countries come and go all the time. Human nature is the only constant, therefore, events repeat. This is where Martin helps. He found that cycles are in everything and discovered the math ingrained in them. We are at the end of a major cycle that will see a different approach to government, which means ours will end. This craziness is the end game!

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Thanks for sharing your being helped by Martin Armstrong, and the link to his recent video. I plan to listen to it.

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Many aware people do indeed know and agree with what you say here. They just don’t say it.

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No matter who you like or who you vote for you won’t like all the policies a politician makes. We like some and dislike others. On balance, I believe that Kennedy is capable of doing a lot of good. He likes Israel because he considers it a democracy surrounded by non-democratic states. Considering how Israel has treated its own people in the last few years i don’t know how he can hold that opinion. Never-the-less he has more to offer than not. We need him right now.

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Thanks for your perspective! I agree that he has a lot of good points. Maybe he does consider Israel to be a democracy surrounded by non-democratic states... I do pray he gets the word out to large numbers of Americans.

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