Bio-War on Our Brains - Seeding Prion Disease via Jab Bioweapons
Three Heroes in Today's War, speaking Truth about the BioWar and the "Biowarfare countermeasures" industry
My new heroine Lauri Gagan1 interviewed heroes Kevin McCairn and Richard Fleming , touching on the work of hero the late Dr. Luc Montagnier. Among the rare few willing to face the deep roots of the war on us:
It lifts my spirits to witness their level of awareness regarding the weapons systems “the psychopaths and their cushy-job-keeping-career clowns”2 have used in their unrelenting attacks on us.
Legal grey zone known as “incapacitation agents” ~2:05:00 in source, Dr. Kevin McCairn
This Australian man showed us what his neruological damage looks like, 14 seconds into this little video clip:
Her brother was killed by the Death Protocols. See at 1:29:33, or the clip I linked to above. I found her via hero Dr. Kevin McCairn. I welcome a link to her larger body of work (a quick search while writing this did not turn that up).