Lucky patients.

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Im sure this happened many times. The healthcare CEO execution is a related phenomena. When the courts and “authorities” fail us, some people rise to the occasion.

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Was he *actually* murdered, or did he get moved into a Luciferian safe-zone, with a new role? You know, kind of like how the Catholic Church shuffles around their pedo priests.

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Good question. I'm not in a position know. "All the world's a stage."

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And some people fall to the occasion, if they feel their moral sensibilities call them to act in a certain way. SaHib pointed out that one could argue she violated informed consent by denying them informed consent that she was not injecting what they thought they wanted. OTOH, those pushing the poisons were not giving informed consent when they claimed that the shots were safe and effective... It appears that big lies from above led to smaller lies below.

As for the healthcare CEO assassination, I have no doubt that he presided over a criminal enterprise that inflicted a lot of suffering on people. OTOH, the fact that he was evidently shot in the back by an allegedly lone assassin who somehow knew how to be in exactly the right place at the right time but later was so incompetent as to not dispose of his weapon and change his attire after having his image broadcast everywhere does make me wonder we are being told the real story. Was the shooter a tool of bigger kunlangeta, who needed this CEO dead? Jason asks such questions here: https://youtu.be/bi6QAsJYEYw?t=6829, while Matthew Crawford wrote: "We might ask whether Thompson had data to release, or an axe to grind." https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/messages-sent-during-the-plandemonium asks

Peachy Keenan made a persuasive case the back injuries and damaging back surgery leading to chronic, extreme pain could easily explain the shooting: https://www.peachykeenan.com/p/the-devastation-of-back-surgery

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What an ethical conundrum! She violated informed consent if she didn't tell patients what she did, and apparently became a presumed legal criminal. Did she tell, or was she otherwise ratted out?

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It appears she did not inform the patients, so one can argue that violated informed consent. On the other hand, did any of the nurses administering the "COVID Vaccines" truly give their patients "informed consent"?

The Hippocratic Oath says "First, do no harm...", no?

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Good question. I have no idea as yet. Please let us know if you learn more about these aspects...

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