Jerome, your enthusiasm is delightful! I, however, do not sense an impending mass awakening any time soon, probably not in my lifetime.

Three-and-a-half years since the announcement that CovAin't had come to the US, there are highly educated and savvy people *still* distancing themselves from others, wearing masks, getting the jabs, and — at the very least — openly justifying their prior behavior of following "experts" and "authorities," even their forcing of masks and jabs on their children and elders.

I personally do not know one person who didn't see the signs of manipulation early on and then "woke up" to the harsh reality.

I would love to be wrong in my assessment. The problem as I see it is that most people abjectly refuse to take personal responsibility for their entire mind-body-spirit complex. That's why "germ theory" is so popular and so deeply entrenched into most people's ideology: They actually believe themselves to be dirty and dumb. Yes, as Martin says, "it's the programming, not the individual," but these people LIKE their programming. They DO NOT LIKE change. This is sadly comical, because it is very freeing to realize that — aside from environmental poisons and other criminal behavior — we make *ourselves* sick, not each other. But true freedom comes at a high price in a world run by psychopathic tyrants, and most people just do not want to acknowledge this reality.

Like I said, I would be thrilled to my core if people took a stance of courage and started opening their eyes! And this shred of hope is why I research and write here on Substack.💖

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I fully agree with you that no great awakening of the masses is coming. People are just too close minded. Masks did work, I hear a sibling say. Why didn’t everyone wear them. A quite intelligent woman who is, nonetheless, sadly incurious.

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Yes, Janine, "sadly incurious" is a nice way to say it! Most people have no courage. They simply have followed a prescribed path in nearly every aspect of their weary lives, all to protect them from feeling alone and unloved. The truth is, anyone shaming you into weak, conforming behaviors doesn't love you the way the Creator intended. We are meant to be free, to individuate and mature and create, NOT to become cookie-cutter follow-the-leader lapdogs.

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I can see good reasons why you and Sharine would agree that no great awakening of the masses is coming. Obviously, the great majority of our fellow citizens are either incapable or unwilling to see. My reasons for hope for a significant awakening are:

1) More individuals awaken every day, and don't go back to sleep. (still a tiny fraction, but growing daily.)

2) Once a "critical mass" of "early adopters" adopts a position (5%? 15%?), the "conformies" suddenly see enough "social proof" that the position is now becoming "hip", "cool", "sick" (ugh), etc., and then a large part of the conformie herd begins to adopt the new position - whether it's automobiles, long hair on men, feminism in women, cell phones, joining facebook, reading and commenting on Substack...

3) The parasitic overclass is either increasingly incompetent or overplaying their hand, to the point that it's gotten much easier to find some issue where an everyday acquaintance can agree that The Narrative does not serve us regular people.

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Thanks for clarifying your position, Jerome.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jerome V

Being called a conspiracy theorist for the last 25 years all I can say is

"I told you so". 🤷‍♀️

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Yes. It is inspiring. The rapid acceleration towards collapse is worth celebrating. We can finally make the world anew. It’s going to be bumpy for a while though. Hang on.

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